Video Gaming and Dementia risk
While there have been studies examining the impact of video gaming on cognition, the potential future benefits of gaming have not been examined. This study followed nearly 475 thousand British participants without dementia, and found that people with a high frequency of playing computer games had a decreased risk of developing dementia. People who had a high frequency of gaming did better in memory testing and had better reaction time. This may suggest future application of gaming for people at high risk of dementia.
Video Games and Physical Health
Although there has been a great deal of concern regarding video games and physical health in kids, the research does not seem to suggest a clear problem. A recent review of twelve studies of kids and time spent gaming failed to support a strong conclusion that time gaming leads to worse physical fitness outcomes. Although more work needs to be completed, at least at present, a link between worse physical fitness and gaming has not been clearly made.
Video Gaming and Cognition
It all begins with an idea.
Video gaming is often thought of as a problem, but it may also be a benefit. A study, of nearly 2,000 kids, reported that the kids who played at least 3 hours a day tended to do better on tests of cognition and working memory, when compared to kids who had never played video games. The study, Video Games—Cognitive Help or Hindrance? reinforces that we have more to learn about video games and understanding the potential benefit they may convey.
Video Games as Therapy?
It all begins with an idea.
Growing research has started focusing on potential use of video games as a part of therapy. Video gaming has been used successfully as an additional tool to treat depression and anxiety, but researchers are now exploring putting gaming as a core element, creating models that rely on Myers-Briggs personality tools to select the correct game for the problem to be treated. In Putting the Gaming Experience at the Center of the Therapy-The Video Game Therapy®Approach a model is proposed that may be of benefit in improving sense of identity and social feeling.